Episode 03: Staycationing

Have you ever taken a nice one week vacation to somewhere afar, somewhere relaxing and picturesque? Think about all the fun times you are having on this short but well deserved vacation, then all the sudden its over and its time to go back home. Now you are needing a vacation from this vacation. One week is simply not enough time. Or is it? Now you are rushing back home to unpack and trying to get everything ready for the long work week ahead, all within a few hours after returning. This is October. The birds are chirping. The Mariners are in the postseason and the kids are back in school. Every major sports is playing. The leaves are falling and the air is getting crisp at night. Also Seattle is having an extended summer and these sunsets have been amazing. Typically during the rainy winter months (Nov-Feb) we work non stop during this time until summer and by then there is plenty of things to do around western Washington. But why would you want to leave in October? The days are now shorter but it's probably the most beautiful time of the year. Seattle average temps in October so far have been at or near 70°. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now, I'm content staying right here…


Episode 04: 85 Pike


Episode 02: Govan